Thursday, June 06, 2013

Google and Obama

Google’s (GOOG) executive chairman, Eric Schmidt helped recruit talent, choose technology, and coach the Obama re-election campaign manager, Jim Messina, on the finer points of leading a large organization. “On election night he was in our boiler room in Chicago,” says David Plouffe, then a senior White House adviser. Schmidt had a particular affinity for a group of engineers and statisticians tucked away beneath a disco ball in a darkened corner of the office known as “the Cave.” The data analytics team, led by 30-year-old Dan Wagner, is credited with producing Obama’s surprising 5 million-vote margin of victory.”

And now Google owns the data and the team that it created.

So, although voters were manipulated, I still say if Christians had gotten over their prejudices and desire to have a perfect candidate, Romney would be the president.  They simply sat out this election.

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