Thursday, May 21, 2020

Is this the future for workers?

“Yesterday I got my oil changed at the dealer. Here is how my car was returned to me. Plus, they brought out a huge spray gun and disinfected the car before and after changing the oil.

When I checked out with the service guy (whom I have come to know fairly well), I did as I always do: I tested him by making breezy comments about the madness of the disinfectant and the plastic coverings in my car. Well, I unraveled a guy who really needed to vent.

He said he had come to hate his job. He told me the wait for service is long because they limit the number of technicians that can be in the shop at one time. Customers can't get timely service; everyone is on a short fuse; and he gets screamed at all day long by customers, in addition to having to deal with cameras set up around the shop making sure the employees are following "strict Covid guidelines." He told me that his temperature is taken several times per day. He said he's exhausted, over-stressed, and miserable. He is typically an upbeat and really great guy.

He showed me one (of many) emails from an irate customer who left the shop after his service and wrote a crazed, angry email to management complaining about someone moving his car without a mask, people touching the outside of his car, etc. He said they get these complaints all day long *in addition* to being berated by every fear-mongered nitwit who walks in the door. In his face I saw a depressed guy, with a wife and small children, who said he is ready to give up.

Now the thing is I’ve had _many_ of these conversations with folks, including my chiropractor and veterinarian. This is only the beginning of life under the boot of a totalitarian-authoritarian-surveillance state. There is much worse to come if the masses keep believing their masters. – KDC”

From Facebook; anonymous

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