Thursday, February 02, 2023

NRSVue has deleted homosexuality

Christians of different traditions and denominations have disagreed over the years on what books are included in the Biblical canon, and how it should be translated into our (heart) language and style of translation. The Bible of The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church has 81 books! The Protestant Bible has 66 books, and the Catholic Bible 73. Many Protestants enjoy "The Message" and "The New American Standard Bible" (sometimes called English as it was never spoken), but they are so different you might not even recognize the writer let alone the verse. But translators have mostly agreed NOT to rewrite it. I have several translations--NIV, NASB, NAB, KJV, ASV, plus there are dozens of translations and paraphrases on the internet. I have both the RSV and the NRSV, and I think they retain the beauty of their grandfather KJV and update our language to at least the 1950s. But in 2021 the committee completely bowed to the culture and eliminated any reference to homosexuality. When members of the committee were asked about it, they each denied responsibility or even knowledge of who did it!

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