Friday, August 23, 2024

Praying for the opening of a new business

Prayer opportunities in the everydays. Isn't it nice to be included in God's work through prayer? I think this prayer is a model to join the Lord's work in a new business from my friend Darlene, a former member of our church now living in SC. (used with her permission)

"Would you all pray for my son Drew today? He is an executive chef of a new restaurant having their grand opening tonight. Pray for their success.
Pray that each of them, especially Drew leading them. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Not all of them are Christians but pray for the salvation of the ones that are to lead the ones that are not. I saw a caring and a love for each other among the servers, cooks and management. Pray for that love to grow.

When we were there for the friends and family, I felt a change in the atmosphere as I entered the restaurant. I could feel a release of the burdens of the day and a relaxation take over. Pray (especially in the times we are in) that the customers receive that same feeling. Pray for favor with God and man for the whole staff.
Pray the Lord be magnified and each person be lifted up! Pray they have a great time serving their customers and enjoying their work! and have fun. It would be an escape for the staff also.
Above all, commit their work to the Lord and they will be established.
Thank you for your prayers. I love you all ...Be blessed, Darlene"

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