Friday, August 16, 2024

Children and exercise--the gym or outdoors?

I go to Lifetime Fitness (I call it the gym) about 5x a week. Sometimes parents bring their children--I think they need to be 12 to be a guest. They are well-behaved and no trouble--but I do feel sorry for them, especially the young girls who are probably already a little over concerned about their bodies.

No one wants to hear that we knew better in the "old days" but here it is. I hated school PE classes, I admit it. I did avoid all organized summer sports although the town had community leagues. But I certainly had a lot of exercise. Watching a little kid on one of those machines today I recalled:
  • climbing trees
  • riding horses
  • biking on no-speed, manual brake bicycles
  • playing hop-scotch
  • raking leaves in the fall
  • mowing the lawn in the summer
  • pulling weeds in the garden in the summer
  • digging dandelions in the yard in the spring
  • running during recess
  • swinging on the monkey bars in the school yard
  • roller skating with strap on skates on the sidewalks
  • catching tadpoles and frogs in creeks
  • playing softball in the street with neighborhood kids
  • delivering newspapers on a morning route
  • running just because
  • and we walked because our mean mothers wouldn't drive us everywhere we wanted to go!
Most of these with the exception of newspaper delivery were social activities--done with friends or a group.

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