Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pro-life authors I'd like to read--Helen M. Alvaré

Helen Alvaré

Helen M. Alvaré is a renowned Catholic legal scholar and pro-life advocate. She is the Robert A. Levy Endowed Chair in Law and Liberty at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University, where she teaches Family Law, Law and Religion, and Property Law.

Publications and Expertise

Alvaré publishes extensively on matters concerning marriage, parenting, non-marital households, and the First Amendment religion clauses. Her work has appeared in news outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, and CNN.com, as well as academic journals. She has also authored books and lectured widely on topics related to family, marriage, and religious freedom.

Professional Experience

Prior to joining George Mason University, Alvaré taught at the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America and represented the U.S. bishops’ conference on pro-life issues. She has worked for over a decade in the Catholic Church’s pro-life efforts, lobbying Congress and speaking publicly on issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment.

Recent Engagements

In 2024, Alvaré delivered the Tim Fischer Oration on Ethics in Public and Political Life, speaking on the importance of upholding Christian values in public discourse. She has also been recognized for her contributions to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast and has been honored for her work on pro-life issues and broader public discourse on polarizing social issues.

Social Media

Alvaré is active on Twitter (@AlvareHelen), where she shares her thoughts on law, family, and faith, as well as her experiences as a Catholic scholar and advocate.

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