Tuesday, September 06, 2005

1473 Will the Democrats regret calling

loudly for investigations so quickly before leading Dems can get their stories in sync? Nancy Pelosi D-CA is crying for Brownie's scalp (FEMA) and a Task Force. Who set this up, anyway? Why is FEMA in Homeland Security? Well, it was a prominant Democrat, whom I happen to like, and once was running for President.

"Senator Lieberman is Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and former Chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, the Senate's principal oversight Committee, with responsibility for reviewing "the efficiency and economy of operations of all branches of government." Under the chairmanship of Senator Lieberman in 2001 and 2002, the Committee focused on the nation's homeland security, on corporate accountability, and on the Bush Administration's weakening of environmental regulations. Committee legislation enacted into law under Senator Lieberman's leadership includes laws creating the Homeland Security Department, establishing an independent commission to examine the causes of the September 11th attack, and facilitating the transition to electronic government, by requiring the federal government to make more information and services available to the public online. The Committee also has jurisdiction over many aspects of federal government management, the federal civil service, federal government procurement, the U.S. Postal Service and the District of Columbia." From Senator Lieberman's home page.

Who should have bussed those without transportation? Whose responsibility was it to have food and water for people evacuated to the Convention Center and Super Dome? Chertoff wasn't suppose to hand out water bottles. The Democratic Mayor, Ray Nagin, should've at least been in town.

Whose responsibility was it to call for help from the Federal government, and said, I'll get back to you in 24 hours? Would you, Nancy, put the President on hold like a crank caller? The Democratic Governor, Ms. Blanco, did.

So Nancy, honey, cool it. We've already got enough women pols making our sex look like dithering bird brains. You're setting the movement back. Let your buddies circle their wagons and reload. And put Jesse Jackson and Sean Penn and the Hollywood Monday morning quarterbacks back on the bench.

1 comment:

Norma said...

In USAToday (9-9-05) an article outlines how response is suppose to take place: 1. Mayor/local 2. Governor/state 3. Federal. But would you believe the reporter twice mentioned Bush being on vacation under point 3. The media will continue to use Katrina to trash the Bush administration. No word on why the Congress was also on vacation.