1477 Katrina Bush
That's the name of a 33 year old evacuee from New Orleans who has arrived in Columbus, Ohio with 25 members of her extended family, and a few other non-relatives. The family had evacuated their homes and gone as a group to a hotel to ride out the storm. After three days they were rescued from that building by volunteers in a boat and dropped on a highway where they spent the night. Eventually, after some horrific experiences, they made their way to the evacuation center in Baton Rouge. There she heard someone named Dave from Ohio announce that he would take people back there to start over.
Dave Whinham and Brent Crawford own apartments and a real estate firm and have set these families up for a year, rent free, in one of their facilities and will help them get jobs. A group of Columbus residents met them with cheers and applause when they arrived. They traveled here on a bus supplied by our church, Upper Arlington Lutheran which had sent it down loaded with supplies. I don't know if Whinham and Crawford are connected with UALC, but sometimes private concerns can act more quickly and effectively than government agencies overwhelmed with other needs.
The larger group relocation to three major Ohio cities has been postponed. Someone has decided moving people to northern cities or to cruise ships may not be the best way to recover from this trauma. However, there are stories of people in Zanesville and Hilliard who just got on the internet and found people willing to relocate. There's a new hurricane baby in Zanesville with lots and lots of god parents.
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