Friday, September 09, 2005

1491 The power stuggle: stronger than wind or water?

Barbara J. Stock looks at what the other states did that were in the path of Katrina.

"While the governors of both Mississippi and Alabama put in a formal request for federal assistance before Katrina even made landfall, the governor of Louisiana refused to relinquish any of her power for the good of the people. Now she and her party point the finger of blame at the White House.

Liberal blogs and websites are pointing to the Department of Homeland Security's website which states that it can take control in any disaster, natural or otherwise, but this is not true. The Department of Homeland Security can only work with the state and local officials in organizing relief efforts such as food, water, and shelter. There is no military arm of the Department of Homeland Security or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the military is what was needed and everyone knew that.

Instead of asking why the Democratic leaders of Louisiana failed the people, these sites post disgusting pictures of floating bodies with the message: "George Bush did nothing." The truth is the Democratic governor wouldn't allow Bush to do anything. That floating body belongs to Governor Blanco. She is the one who "did nothing." "
Read article here.

What is most despicable is all the Democrats using this death and destruction to build their flailing, failing party. Investigate, investigate, they yell, and then when the story begins to unfold we find a multitude of errors at all levels. But these people think Bush is so smart and so powerful, he should have prevented it. He was on vacation (as was Congress), you know.

1 comment:

Norma said...

Yeah, sure. If you want to advertise, pay for it.