Sunday, January 01, 2006

Nine Ten Planets

This story of the discovery of the 10th planet in our solar system is not new, but was one of the top stories of 2005. There's just a lot I learned in school or from my doctors or in graduate school or from politicians that just isn't true or factual, but we used to believe it. Wonder what's next? Evolution?


Cathy said...

It will be interesting to see how long it takes before elementary schools begin teaching that there are now 10 planets. Reckon it will be the time they officially name it something - then we will have to think of some mnemonic( device to help the students.

Brenda said...

My husband and I were talking about the new ideas and discoveries in science and how different it is from what we learned in school. I'm sure the moment we are taken up to be with the Lord and are given complete understanding we'll realize how very little we knew here on earth. I suppose there is a lesson to learn in all of this. Perhaps, we shouldn't close ourselves off from the new ideas and discoveries, especially when there is solid proof. Of course that means we will have to get used to our foundations being shaken up a little.

Anvilcloud said...

Of course, there is some disagreement about whether Pluto is really a planet.

Norma said...

See? You just can't trust those teachers. Always changing their story.