2762 Snacks and chats on the dock
Last evening the Lakeside dock was closed to the public and donors to the Lakeside Fund were invited to an evening on the dock. Bright yellow tablecloths at tables for 8 and delicious treats were set out--of which I probably ate too many. There was a brisk warm breeze and a fabulous sunset. Then someone with a video cam stopped and interviewed us about why we come to Lakeside. I assume snippets will be used in some sort of montage for marketing. Nancy said Lakeside is where she got her first kiss--that should get in; Joe said 5 generations of his family (had his grandchildren this week) had come here; my husband said he knew within 30 minutes of first coming here in 1974 that he would be back.
Lakeside, Ohio
So hard to believe people are still in summer mode. Since we returned to school, I figured EVERY ONE was in school. Guess some are still doing it the way we all did -- after Labor Day.
Yes, I think school should start AFTER Labor Day. We didn't think there would be that many kids here this week. Must be homeschoolers. There's also a band camp here this week, so we can march smartly.
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