Thursday Thirteen

1. Let someone into merging traffic--even if he's driving like an idiot and not waiting his turn.
2. Smile at him. The Bible says something about being nice is heaping hot coals on your enemy. Picture that when you arrive at the stoplight at the same time.
3. Pick up one or two pieces of trash--a plastic bag, candy wrapper, pop bottle, etc.--from the sidewalk or berm on your way to work or activity. What if millions of people did that?
4. Drop it in the nearest trash can. Create jobs for sanitation crews.
5. Put a quarter in the tip jar at the coffee shop.
6. Be classy instead of colloquial. Say "You‘re welcome," instead of "no problem" if someone thanks you.
7. Donate a jar of peanut butter to the local food pantry.
8. Or offer to volunteer on your day off.
9. Send a card to someone who is ill or shut-in or grieving.
10. If you don't know anyone like that, praise God and call a church or nursing home for a name and make a stranger happy.
11. If someone comes to visit, turn off the television and the music.
12. Hold open the door for someone whose hands are full.
13. If you pack someone’s lunch, put a happy note or cartoon inside.
1. Shannon, 2. Nyasha, 3. Tink, 4. Kailani, 5. TC, 6. Sugar Vamp, 7. Irish Church Lady, 8. Momma, 9. Knitting maniac, 10. . Zeus, 11. Jersey Scrapbooker, 12. Carmen, 13. Natalie, 14. Stephanie, 15. 5 time Mom, 16. Flattened Frog , 17. KT Cat, 18. Karen, 19. Another Karen, 20. Karla, 21. Amy, 22. Dane, 23. Kendra, 24. My two cents (really funny), 25. Buttercup, 26. Courtney, 27. Titanium, 28. Geekwif, 29. Wolfbernz, 30. Renee, 31.
Excellent list. I am proud that I do many of these things already, but it's great to add a couple more to my list.
Thanks for visiting my site, too. Have a great Thursday!
very good list! it is important to have a positive impact on people's life - it will ultimately benefit us.
btw, you will have to tell me about your coffee in Copenhagen! Was it at Karen Blixen's coffee shop? yeah, stuff is expensive in this country i live in.... and i am a coffee addict, see my dilemma?
Wonderful list! I actually did 5 of these last week. Will keep the rest in mind this coming week.
My TT is about happy things this week.
There are some of those that I do try and make a concious effort to do often. I do need reminding sometimes, though. Thanks for the great list and for stopping by!
what a nice tt. great list.
Mine is up too.
People like you bring tears to my eyes, you are such a beautiful person. I believe this post has made my evening, thank you for that.
Just another Thursday Thirteener passing through :)
I'm gonna do 3 and 4 today. Do you heart me yet?
Awesome list! I've done a few of those this week!
My list is up too!
Happy TT
6. Be classy instead of colloquial. Say "You‘re welcome," instead of "no problem" if someone thanks you.
This is a lost artform, and it is very sad in my opinion. There's nothing wrong with "You're welcome" but so many people do not say it. For shame...
Happy Thursday! Feel free to read mine as well!
Wow, what a nice list...I feel so shallow after reading it (compared to mine):-)
All good ideas to be nice. I'm always holding the door for people, I enjoy being nice (except in traffic. that's harder. ha)
I usually tip the coffee people, but some days it just seems so expected, at least at my local Dunkin Donuts. They don't even smile at me or anything. So I save those tips, now, for whomever looks me in the eye or smiles while they're pouring my cup or ringing me up.
But, I'm taking up your challenge, Norma. I'll do TWO of these things this week.
Love the list... and I always could use a little prodding to do more!
great ideas... I always write a little note on my husbands lunch bag....
I love your list! Great ideas. I try to let people in in traffic... I'm not in that big of a rush that I can't let someone merge. You've given some other great ideas I can try... thanks!
#6 was wonderful.
Thanks for posting this. I needed it.
My TT is up.
thank you for the wonderful list. I should print it and remember it!
What a wonderful, wonderful list! I wish more people would remember, and then act upon, these things. It seems like it's all about me, me, me nowadays. What happened to manners and common courtesy?
I had to smile at #6 - one of my pet peeves. And volunteering time, I'm a real advocate for that one too.
Thanks for the reminders, Norma!
Yes! On all accounts!
Okay, this IS the world wide web. Is there a place we can post this so that the WORLD will see it? There are alot of people out there who don't have a clue! :)
Common courtesy, folks!
Sorry, my "righteous indignation" got the better of me. It all starts with us, I guess. :)
Thanks for stopping by to check out my list today. :)
Great TT!! Reminds me I need to be a little nicer in traffic Mine is up here
A very good and helpful list, as always! If you get a chance today my T13 "States Edition" is up.
That's so kind. I needed to be reminded about some of those. It's sad that people don't do these things naturally. Happy Thursday!
That's a great list!! I like to practice #1 on your list, and the others are all great suggestions that I can learn from also.
Have a great Thursday!!
That was a great list! Thank you. Today I helped an elderly woman carry her bag down the stairs at Penn Station. It was a little thing but it made me happy. You're right that if we all did just one more nice thing each day, it could change the world.
What a wonderful list! I try to do a couple of these things often, but I could certainly do a lot more!
That's a great list! You're right. If more people did some of those things every day, the world would be a much nicer/cleaner place. :)
Good list. There's some food for thought there.
Hi Norma, you are right we should all practice these daily. Sometimes it just feels good to do something nice!
I do 8 of those all the time...and when someone holds the door for me, I say Thank you and mean it. I can tell that some door holders are suprised to hear the thanks.
cool list
im going to do number 13 for my older son this week in his school lunch box :)
My kids love the note in the lunch thing...when Mango couldn't read yet, we just drew a pciture...and I laways put in a hershey's kiss..
But you know, the real secret here is thinking of others. And I loved how you gave specific things that people could do that are so simple.
You are a sweet girl.:-)
I love 11. This is a must do at our house!
What a great idea! Im linking you up in my TT!
13 terrific (and simple) ideas! What a difference we'd all make by doing just 1 or 2 of those each day. It's sad really...
Happy (belated) Thursday 13! My list is up!
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