Thursday Thirteen
13 phrases about architecture that make me shudder.
If architecture is best understood through our senses--why design and build theaters, libraries, schools, churches, homes, and federal or state buildings that assault and sicken, that weave, swoop, glare, and dismantle our sense of space? I visit many sites (my husband is an architect) just for fun and read many articles because the magazines keep coming.
These writers' phrases of approval are often synonymous with "ugly," to my eye, and I know in 30-50 years we'll be taking them down.
1) cadence of chaos
2) giddy
3) radiating from every curve
4) recycled
5) engage in new forms
6) salvaged from demolished (insert a building that was lauded in the 1960s here)
7) faceted glazing
8) challenge your preconceptions
9) paradigm shift
10) glass addition to . . .(usually a 19th century building)
11) holistic and ecological
12) splayed
13) edgy or renegade or "on the cusp" or whatever shape a computer can work up
Annebrit, Kimando, Mousenomia, Courtney, Phoart, Aginoth, Renee, Chelle Y. Frances, Frances, Kimmy, Crse, Mandy, Wandering, Chris, Laurie, On the rock, Tricia, Jersey Girl, Lazy Daisy, Jane,
There are some words to look out for!! #1,4 and 8 are my favorites :D
Dh has to deal with artsy architechs all the time and doesn't like it. They just want a functional building...not a work of art.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Horrible abuse of the English language; I absolutely agree, phrases to make the strong shudder.
Thanks for visiting my TT Norma
Now I never would have thought of a list like that, and that's what makes TT great. You never know what you are going to learn about when you click a link.
Thanks for sharing.
My TT is up.
Have a great holiday,
I know almost nothing about this kind of thing. Happy Thursday and thanks for stopping by today :)
Thanks for sharing these. Some of it I understand cause my Dad was in construction, and I also worked for 3 construction companies. Great TT.
I'm up.
I'm sure a few of those described our local architecture... if by no-one else but me ;) Columbus is known for spending money on architecture that I question daily. Some of it's great, but some (most) of it...
Happy T13! My list's up!
I like this idea! I think I need to make a list like that "code phrases" in my field. Happy TT!!!
Very interesting Norma, I had never thought of those phrases in that light. It is amazing how we use (and misuse) the English language.
By the way, I love your new background (at least it is new to me!!).
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