Monday, November 27, 2006

3217 Catholic radio in central Ohio

I've mentioned St. Gabriel, 1270 a.m. radio before, but I must say it is such a blessing--even for Protestants. I think I'll add them to my Christmas donation list. No loud music, no bombastic shouting, no convoluted theories about end times, just excellent Bible based sermons and stunning interviews. Particularly now during the Christmas season--if they are playing Christmas carols, I haven't heard any. Even if you find a station with good music, a lot of it is secular.

This morning I heard a discussion about Vietnamese Catholics who first fled the communists in the north, then the south, then relocated again either to Canada or the USA and have chosen religious callings. I also heard an interview with a woman who is part of a Christian prayer chain organization in Hollywood, who says there are wonderful changes in the industry and that we need more Christians in the film and entertainment business. She was so hopeful and positive, I just stopped what I was doing to listen to her.

Then there was a sermon on the 5th commandment, I think by a local pastor. We never hear a thing about abortion, euthansia or life issues at our church. He said the unborn is not a potential human, but a human with potential. But he also preached about forgiveness for this heinous sin, that God's mercy is greater than our sin.

Where I change channels is the discussion of Mary. Those of you who say Catholics don't worship Mary, aren't listening to this station. But so far, that's been the only turn off for me. So I do. When it comes to radio, I'm pro-choice.

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