Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Tom Tancredo (R) on Amnesty Bill

"The President continues to ignore the will of the American people," said Tancredo. "He simply cannot accept the fact that Americans are not interested in rewarding illegal aliens with a $2.5 trillion blanket amnesty."

President Bush, who boasted Monday to reporters that he would see them "at the bill signing," has made his amnesty proposal granting a pathway to citizenship to some 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the United States his top domestic priority.

"It's time the administration to put an end to this tired old ‘Groundhog Day’ routine and shelve this misguided amnesty plan once and for all," Tancredo concluded, "It's time for them to start enforcing our laws." Tancredo's press release.

Non-Mexicans heading for our border. They'd be arrested if caught in Mexico.

The sad thing is Bush is losing his base; the people who supported him on Iraq are realizing he has no intention of protecting our own country. I don't want to see the Iraqi people massacred the way we allowed the Communists to do when we pulled out turned tail and fled VietNam, but neither do I want thugs, crooks, terrorists, welfare sops and all the relatives of our current crop of millions of illegals flooding over the border, many of whom are just using Mexico as a funnel to get in. I also don't think we should continue to prop up a corrupt, bad Mexican government who refuses to build up its own economy. I don't know a single conservative or Republican who supports Bush on this, but most did support him on Iraq.

I think we need to go back 40+ years and look at the racist ideas of the Johnson administration and why they thought our racial mix in those days was so awful and needed to be changed. The 1986 IRCA compounded the problem. Strengthening an already bad, unenforceable immigration policy is making the bad worse.

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