Monday, June 09, 2008

OST--Obama sans telepromter

We've listened to George Bush give a few great speeches in eight years, and probably a hundred really awful ones. But he also can laugh at himself. I don't think Obama, who stammers, stutters and halts without a speech writer, will allow it. You'll be a racist if you even think he can't string a few words together. We may never know what he wanted to say about asthma.


Anonymous said...

"Hold on, I can't hear myself. I'm glad you're fired up, though."

A 40 second clip where he's interrupted by the crowd is supposed to make people think Obama is as clueless to GWB, who had to hide a transmitter beneath his jacket during a debate so that someone could feed him the answers.

Righty is already getting desperate, and it's only June.

Norma said...

Click on a few of the others (below this one). The man needs a speech writer. And he's humorless and takes himself much too seriously. This isn't about GWB.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a media created candidate.

GWB may make up his own words but at least he gets his point across.

Anyone can read from a TelePrompTer, look at the mindless people on the local news. (like the one who just said Ted Kennedy took a walk on a pie-r [like apple pie-r] as he was walking on a pier. after his surgery).

None of these people are great communicators, but they certainly are doing a good job at prevarication on plagarism.

Edwards was a better public spearker than any of the other Democrats, and frankly the Republicans too. However it was the message that was off, or he would have been elected.

Norma said...

I hadn't listened much to Edwards, but looking back, he probably was the clearest--about socialism. Hillary was definitely a better speaker than Obama, but lacked the charisma.

Anonymous said...

"Righty is already getting desperate, and it's only June."

I heard that Team O is going to be scanning the internet to put a stop to these vicious rumors--or was it for Michelle sightings?

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows Obama wins on the issues. The only chance that team McCain has is Willie Horton-style ads that portray Obama as Saddam's second cousin. If Obama techies can prevent so-called Christians from spreading slanderous lies, this election will be a slam dunk, and we can finally begin repairing the extensive damage the country has suffered over the past 7 years.

Norma said...

Actually, it's a slam dunk anyway, and I do mean slam. You being a pro-life Democrat (I think it was you), I hope you're prepared for the carnage.