Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fewer homeless

“The U.S. had 12% fewer homeless last year than in 2005, and the greatest decline occurred among those who chronically live on the streets or in emergency shelters, according to a federal report to be released Tuesday.” USAToday reports (HT Black and Right) Homeless advocates, liberals, progressives, etc. are not happy about this. Chronic homelessness especially is down, and this could put these guys out of work! It’s a huge report--144 pp. Read it if you dare.


Anonymous said...

Great. But is it down vs. the Clinton years???

Norma said...

I haven't read the whole report, but if there were a way to bash Bush with this document, it would be in the USAToday headlines. Watch for percentages, not numbers, since our population has grown. Would it change my point that the poverty pimps would lose jobs if the social scene improves?

Clinton's hand was forced on welfare reform by a Republican Congress--don't know if that impacted chronic homelessness because usually they are not employable--drug addiction, mental illness, closed institutions thanks to 1970s do-goodism, etc. Gosh, I gave you 2 links--do I have to regurgitate it too? I'm a retired librarian, not a school teacher.