Lakeside 2008, Week 4 week-end
Wonderful things just kept coming. Beautiful weather (except for sailors on Sunday), the wooden boat show, the Plein Air paint out, The Golden Dragon Chinese Acrobats (27 centuries of tradition) and on Sunday, with perfect weather in the park, the Cleveland Deutscher Musik Verien German Band oom-pa'd away for a happy crowd at the bandstand. The woman on the bench next to me whispered, "This must be what heaven is like." Saturday I took in a lecture on the history of Plein Air painting by Rick Dziak; Sunday we enjoyed Rev. Jennings at the lakefront pavilion church service (he told about getting ill and going to the ER after a flight home from Europe--very timely for me); ate breakfast at the Patio Restaurant (my husband has an art display there and has sold 3 paintings); I took some walks and bike rides, and signed up for an afternoon class at the Rhein Center on "Draw Better," this coming week.

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