Thursday, February 05, 2009

Notable Quotables of 2008

Everyone in the world probably laughed at, not with, Chris Matthew's tingly leg for Obama, so he got the big one at the award ceremony of the 21 awards for the year's worst reporting, but some others are just as hilarious. Since I have a gag reflex at most of the prime time "news" reporting, I've missed most of these. Two I enjoyed in the reruns
    The Obamagasm Award
    Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope....Barack Hussein Obama did not win because of the color of his skin. Nor did he win in spite of it. He won because at a very dangerous moment in the life of a still young country, more people than have ever spoken before came together to try to save it. And that was a victory all its own.”
    — Time’s Nancy Gibbs, Nov. 17 cover story. [65 points]

    From Camelot to Obamalot Award
    “Today, the audacity of hope had its rendezvous with destiny. No mere endorsement this, more like a political anointment from the Kennedys, merging ideals from two different eras....Obama is now an adopted son of Camelot. His candidacy blessed not just by the Lion of the Senate, patriarch of the clan, but by JFK’s daughter.”
    — ABC’s David Wright on Nightline, Jan. 28. [55 points]
As we used to say in the olden days, "Gag me with a spoon." Reading through these awards, and the runners-up, you see the days of the free press are over. As awful as the constant Bush bashing was, this is much worse for the country. He could handle it; I'm not sure Obama can.

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