Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Today's new word is AGW

Another acronym, and I'm only listing it because once I knew it and today I said it wrong. AGW isn't Al Gore Warming, which is what I said while reading through a bunch of meteorology and weather blogs and journals (my oh my--there is definitely no consensus--not on anything). AGW is Anthropogenic Global Warming. Anthropo meaning human being, and -genic meaning producing or formed. Here's the quote, and you can see that my Al Gore Warming fit just fine in the context, and how I could make such a silly mistake, but it's just wrong:
    In its most extreme form, this approach has AGW supporters labeling skeptics as equivalent to “holocaust deniers” and “tobacco lawyers.” Efforts have been made in several quarters to decertify climatologists or meteorologists who show any skepticism for AGW theory, making public adherence to the theory a minimum qualification for publication and professional standing. Enormous efforts are made to squelch skeptical speech. Just as one example, the BBC has run a zillion shows and specials sympathetic to AGW. When Channel 4 ran one single show (called the “Global Warming Swindle”) which outlined parts of the skeptics’ position, 37 scientists attempted to have it suppressed by the government." from Skeptic's guide to global warming, Ch. 2
People really become threatened when you speak against their religion, AGW and it's high priest AG.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Alleged Global Warming.