Saturday, February 07, 2009

Today's new word is DEFENESTRATION

Even in context, I couldn't figure this one out. “That's Wednesday of this week--i.e., roughly 24 hours after the defenestration of Nancy Killefer and Tom Daschle. Possibly Solis will skate by on the theory that the Killefer Standard does not apply to spouses." It means the act of throwing a person or thing out through, or by way of a window. It comes from the Latin de + fenestra, meaning window. The Defenestration of Prague in 1419 was throwing the burgomaster and others from the windows of city hall onto the spears of those below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I learned the other day (when looking into a tax credit for new windows) that there is a National Fenestration Rating Council,

If the Democrats paid their taxes, we wouldn't need a stimulus, but nobody is throwing them out windows. Unfortunately.