Catch the Green Scum Scam before it devours you
The Global Warming steam roller will demolish that part of the economy Obama hasn't. (I hope those of you buried in the most recent blizzard in the west are listening.) Even GWB couldn't protect us from the EPA, the endangered polar bear crowd, and Algorism. The greenies plan to kill us just like they did the African children by removing DDT, their only hope of survival. They thrived during the Bush years while he looked away and ignored Toto-Kyoto. Go here to read Dispelling the Global Warming Myth. The architects and building trades are so covered up with this nonsense I can hardly open my husband's e-mail.

"Due to the efforts of Heartland and others, the public is beginning to catch on to the cosmic scam that Al Gore, James Hansen ("an embarrassment to mankind") and others--mostly not scientists--have been perpetrating. Meanwhile, the Obama administration, seemingly determined to inflict the maximum possible damage on the economy in the shortest time, is trying to ram a cap-and-trade carbon tax through Congress before opposition can be mobilized. It's easier to do that, of course, when you know that Congressmen won't read the statute before they vote on it. So our only hope is an informed citizenry."
2009 International Conference on Climate Change Don't miss John Theon!
- “I have publicly said I thought Jim Hansen should be fired,” Theon said. “But, my opinion doesn’t count much, particularly when he is empowered by people like the current president of the United States. I’m not sure what we can do to have him get off of the public payroll and continue with the campaign or crusade. I think the man is sincere, but he is suffering from a bad case of megalomania.”
No matter how you feel about global warming you can't over look the fact that we are poisoning the earth . We can no longer drink from the same streams as we once did , the air that we breath is no longer as clean as it once was , there are more and more species endanger of dispersing or have already dispersed then ever before .I can go on and point out more signs but I have to get some sleep tonight . Look global warming May or may not be a normal change in the earths natural phase , but we can't deny that we arnt helping things along with our actions . By the way you should really check to see who sponsored the research you are linking to ( I did ) It's funny that it's the companies that are most responsible for greenhouse gases .
Sorry Norma I don't mean to pick but I could sleep till I gave you some info on who sponsors Heartland
ExxonMobil funds International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project,
big tobacco funds Americans for Tax Reform
Sovereignty International ( can you say Oil )
Scientists and Engineers for Secure Energy
Viv Forbes, Chairman,The Carbon Sense Coalition,
Tim Phillips Americans for Prosperity
Dr. Pal Gaspar of European Center for Economic Growth
Dig deep and you will find the truth
Sorry to disagree, Flight, but "poisoning the earth" is NOT global warming. Taking care of the earth we've been given is a very different concept than believing you run the universe. One is humbling, the other power hungry. the climate has cycles, and if we don't learn that, we're due to freeze during the next little ice age as we destroy all the technology that could have helped us.
Looks like Flight is having his own flight of common sense in not expecting conservative organizations to fight back against the global goons.
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