President Teleprompter
"After only a few short weeks, the use of the Obama teleprompter is beginning to expose Obama's incapacity to function properly without one." Craig Meister on the
St. Patrick’s Day gaffe. I guess we can retire all the complaints about Bush's gaffes and malapropisms. I think Obama's already outdone Bush's 8 years with his two months. And Bush could laugh at himself--something I don't see Obama doing.
shes back!!!!
"Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter is unusual — not only because he is famous for his oratory, but because no other president has used one so consistently and at so many events, large and small." Politico
"Wow, that's really hard to watch. He didn't even familiarize himself with the content of the speech; instead, it appeared he went into it blind, assuming the speech would be there for him. He was, as pilots say, flying like his engine would never quit." Speech at a rodeo where teleprompter went out. Whibangblog.
"Shorn of his Teleprompter, we saw a different Obama [note cards in hand]. His delivery was halting and unsure. He looked down at his obviously copious notes every few seconds throughout the speech. Unlike the typical Obama oration where the words flow with unparalleled fluidity, he stumbled over his phrasing repeatedly." Weekly Standard
"Barack Obama apparently cannot do off the cuff speaking and needs the teleprompter to do the kind or oratory that used to make giddy college coeds swoon during his campaign speeches. When Barack Obama lacks the teleprompter, his speeches tend to be halting and awkward.Barack Obama's Teleprompter Addiction There have been a couple of cases during speeches when the teleprompter broke and it showed in the quality of Barack Obama's speaking until the matter was fixed." Mark Whittington, Associated Content
Now the liberals are getting all upset and huffy--dragging out Bush's gaffes and blunders. But when did they fall on their knees before a Bush podium? When did they gush over his oratory as a quality we needed in a president? The liberal PR machine (aka the press) for Obama has made their messy bed, so they better just keep quiet while conservatives strip the sheets and load the laundry.
The teleprompter now has its own blog: http://baracksteleprompter.blogspot.com/
That's pretty funny. He's even on twitter. TOTUS.
"They say that Obama is a great communicator, and that George W. Bush was a poor one. I rather like the way Bush communicated, frankly. He communicated to me just fine — but I, of course, am not the average voter (or journalist). One helpful thing about Bush’s communication: You knew where he stood, what he meant. There was very little “hope/change” BS." Jay Nordlinger NRO
Just wait until tonight on Leno when our sensitive president shows his true colors... Will be a double foot in mouth hold the mayo night for my kama'aina bruddah...
They will NEVER let him do this again
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