Monday, February 08, 2010

Monday Memories--So what else is new in the labor market?

My cousin sent these stats--I'd just seen them Saturday in another communication. Then I started counting my own work experience, and came up with ten jobs plus two unpaid positions by age 21.

"The U.S. Department of Labor says that: “Today’s learner will have 10 to 14 jobs by age 38.”
    First (paid) job: babysitter, Forreston, IL, 11 years old, through teen years

    Second job: corn detasseling, DeKalb seed, Polo, IL, age 14

    Third job: Mt. Morris Public Library, student clerk, age 16

    Fourth job: Foxbilt Feeds, office clerk, age 16

    Fifth job: Zickuhr’s Pharmacy, counter, age 16-20, high school, then college breaks

    Unpaid BVS summer volunteer, age 17, Fresno, CA

    Sixth job: Manchester College Library, Librarian's student assistant, age 18

    Seventh job: Green St. Pharmacy, Champaign, IL, counter and cashier, age 19-21, various times, undergrad and grad, University of Illinois

    Eighth job: University of Illinois Library, student assistant, age 19

    Ninth job: General Mold and Engineering, Indianapolis, secretary and payroll, age 20

    Tenth job: Russian Language and Area Studies, office clerk, age 21

    Unpaid student teaching in Spanish, Urbana, IL high school, age 21

    Eleventh job: Graduate assistant, Dept. Sociology, U. of I. translator of Soviet medical newspapers, age 22
Oops. Thought of another one. I had a paid paper route for about 13 homes (2 farms) in the SW end of Forreston when I was age 7. It was a very long walk, especially on Sunday morning when the papers were very heavy and the snow very deep.

1961 and ready to enter the "real" world of work as a college graduate


Gayle said...

Norma, what interesting jobs you had at such young ages! said...

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