Friday, August 27, 2010

Restoring honor event exposes hate on the left--Guest Blogger Murray

On Aug. 28 Glenn Beck will be hosting a rally at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC promoting "Restoring Honor". This promises to be a historic event. One which the MSM and the Obama Administration will do everything in their power to discredit and associate it with racism and violence. The MSM, without knowing exactly what will be taking place, has already indicated the intention is to stir up the anger towards our government. They have falsely implied the Tea Party movement is part of this rally. There will be many Tea Party people there, however it's all Beck's doing. This is all about "Restoring Honor" to ourselves and our great country. There will be no signs allowed and Beck says bring the children.

Like I said, this will be historic. It will be big. It will upset the Progressive/ Liberal/ Left-Wingers to the point that they will do anything to disrupt the rally. Look for SEIU or ACORN to attempt to create a disturbance. We should all be there. Why aren't we?



Anonymous said...

The Tea Party finally learned that if they have signs, someone will take their pictures and they will look like fools. Come on, Tea Partiers, make some more racist signs with Obama dressed up as a witch doctor with a bone through his nose. You know you want to, but now you realize you have to hide your true, ugly beliefs so "no signs" for you.

Anonymous said...

sure bring your children..."you have to be carefully taught"Before 6 or 7 or 8 to hate all the people your relatives, you have to be carefully taught"
I do hope for the sake of the children that are taken that the ones inclined with guns leave their guns,pistols,etc at home. If not, it will surely Obama's fault

Norma said...

So now who is hating? Spreading propaganda and rumors and gossip. Have you seen the ABC reporter story? The Tea Party has not done a fraction of the hate that the Democratic talkers and supporters have done, now they are maligned and criticized for peacefully demonstrating against healthcare that will raise their taxes, environmentalism that will raise their taxes, repeal of Bush tax cuts that will raise their taxes, and Obama's refusal to do anything about the economy--like cut taxes so investments in business can grow. Plus, this is Glenn's rally, not the Tea Party.

Tea Party signs were never, never as hateful as those against Bush.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
I'm wagering that Anon 1 & Anon 2 are like all the other Tea Party critics. They've never been to a Tea Party gathering but they feel qualified to critisize them even though they are simply comprised of neighbors plus gramma & grampa. Guns indeed....LOL