Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Axelrod and Frank, doing what the left does best—blame first, investigate late

Regardless of who the terrorist is found to be in the Boston bombing, whether he be singleton or a groupie enamored of a philosophy that doesn't like American freedoms and symbols, our left leaning media and politicians seem bent on finding blame not among their own policies of down playing the seriousness of international terrorism, but on the right. After all, even the word had been struck from the official vocabulary, but there it was-- the deed. 

Has the Tea Party caused mob disruptions like the Occupiers the media excused for every indecency and burned building?

Have abortion protestors caused the mayhem, disease and death perpetrated by abortionist Dr. Gosnell? 

Who has been in the streets marching against taxes on April 15?  I haven’t heard of a single story. Stories of Obama’s 18% tax rate, yes, I did hear that.

Were the first responders not quick enough that we should think higher taxes would have prevented this? 

Barney Frank, political hack,  and political strategist David Axelrod seem to be really messed up. They admitted they knew nothing, but shifted blame anyway.

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