Friday, June 21, 2013

Some pro-abortion folks just don’t get it

"From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Chelsea’s grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy. And new research shows that her family is not alone in treasuring a person who – if Planned Parenthood had been successful – would not have been born."

Seems like she hasn't put it together that if her maternal grandmother had been aborted that she, and her mother too, wouldn't be here. Wonder if NBC is proud of their 'Rock Center' "special correspondent" now? Actually, they probably are.


willnoon said...

Hi Norma,

When Gayle shared the article referencing Chelsea Clinton's inane statement regarding her grandmother's handicap in not having access to the "crucial services" that Planned Parenthood provides for today's modern woman, my response to Gayle was almost exactly as your article today. I immediately thought of some of Vam Til's writing on the presuppositional handicap that nonbelievers operate under when they opine on a cosmos created by the Sovereign God (whether or nor they like the fact that it is His cosmos.). I remembered reading a piece by Van Til long ago in which he stated to the effect that because nonbelievers refuse to accept that the cosmos is as described in the Bible, and operates according to the rules God laid down, they often run up against contradictions in their thinking that stems directly from their refusal to accept the truth evidenced by the way things are. When one denies the the way things are in order to deny the God who made them that way, one often makes or supports the kind of inanities that Chelsea ended up blurting out recently. Van Til wrote about this phenomenon more than once. As I understand his position, he was simply explaining how when the presuppositional foundation of one leads to an obvious falsehood or absurdity,one choice is to borrow the opposite side's presuppositions and quickly move on, hoping that no one will notice or at least closely examine the underlying sense of what is being proposed. The main stream Media spews this kind of 'Reasoning" to the American public on a daily basis, hoping that many or even most will be to busy to really examine the underlying thinking of what has been printed or reported. is a short article I referenced about Van Til's thinking I think your blog was particularly apropos in light of the multiple media farces being laid before the public recently, then being quickly withdrawn in the fashion of, "Nothing here to see folks, keep moving along , just keep moving along.." Anyway, thanks Norma, for inserting some reason into an increasingly unreasonable world. Bill

Norma said...

Thanks, Bill, I'll check out your link.