Monday, August 19, 2013

Observations on various Obama failures and foibles

Gun violence is down, has been decreasing for 2 decades despite the increase in gun ownership. Women particularly are choosing to protect themselves. However, there's an uptick of suicide by gun, particularly by the young. The recession seems to be at the center of this--people discouraged by Obama's failures, the man who said he believed in hope and change and would rehang the moon. His response is to blame guns.

“Threats against religious freedom in our country are not imaginary or overstated. They’re happening right now. They’re immediate, serious, and real.”
Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia, August 17, 2013

Here's the kind of care your tax dollars and donations are buying for poor women who use Planned Parenthood which is a big Obama supporter, and vice versa.

Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood worker, now a Christian, writes on her Facebook page:  “Did you know that Planned Parenthood has phased out their prenatal care programs? Why? Because Planned Parenthood says that pregnant women are too “cumbersome.” They say that these patients need too much care and attention. Also, they often need to see doctors. That is a problem for Planned Parenthood. There are no onsite doctors, except those that are there to provide abortions. What about the physicians that are supposed to be supervising the nurses? Well, they rarely step foot into the clinics. In fact, our medical director never once came to visit or supervise any employees at my facility…not once in eight years.”

About 40 years ago in a movie Jerry Lewis played a German clown whose mockery of Hitler lands him in a concentration camp. Hmmm. Sounds like some Caesarists have a tradition of no sense of humor or freedom of political speech. The Lewis film only exists as a rough cut and was never seen by the public for non-political reasons. But surely this could never happen in a country that revelled in ridiculing Reagan, Clinton and Bush II.

"The American dream is not politically affiliated. The last time it was alive and well was the period from Ronald Reagan's second term in office through Bill Clinton's second term in office. In those 16 years, we enjoyed continuous low taxes, low government spending and economic prosperity." today's WSJ   I'm not always sure what exactly is "the American dream," but I am sure Obama lies about it, especially if the "dream" concerns the economy.

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