Thursday, September 05, 2013

Meeting up with the crazies on line

The Daily Beast and Huffington Post are just amazing sites on FaceBook--the editors write to inflame their supporters, and the comments are bizarre and crazy, sometime even funny.  Spelling and grammar are a bit up for grabs, but I do find some good ones, too.  Any offer of facts or truth get you labeled a troll. The cumulative misinformation would benefit from an Obama drone strike.

The support for legalizing marijuana is about 99%. I have an RN friend who works in a methadone clinic--sort of the end of the line for all the pot heads who thought marijuana was harmless, safer than alcohol, we just use it to unwind or relax, wouldn't lead them through the sparkling gate to the hard stuff, but it did. Wasted. Homeless. Addle-brained. Confused. And they were just so sure in their teens and twenties. . .

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