Wednesday, July 04, 2018

A prayer for Independence Day from the Lutheran Prayer Book

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. We give You grateful thanks on this anniversary for the priceless blessing of liberty that with Your help was won for us by our ancestors. Stir up in us a new appreciation for the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness we enjoy in this land of the free and a greater readiness to serve our nation with our talents. Teach us, above all, to treasure that precious freedom of conscience and worship, without which other liberties would not long survive. May we never contribute to the loss of those dearly won blessings by our own selfishness, ambition, or indifference.

Teach us furthermore, O Lord, that the enjoyment of freedom brings the responsibility to serve. Make us willing to respect the laws of our country, exercise faithfully our privilege to vote, and give our loyal support to all public institutions.
Bless all those in authority. Grant wisdom and faithfulness to those in positions of leadership. Preserve them from becoming the prey of selfish pressure groups and give them willingness to serve the interests of the public.

Grant enduring peace to our country and its institutions, so that Your Gospel may be able without hindrance to turn the hearts of all from the bondage of sin to the freedom won by the blood of our precious Redeemer, Jesus,  in whose name and for whose sake we ask this. Amen

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