Friday, July 20, 2018

Week 6 at Lakeside 2018

Usually we go home on the Saturday our daughter and son-in-law have their vacation at our cottage, but this year our friends Rod and Judi will be here for the wooden boat show so we’ll go home after church on Sunday.  This promises to be a good week-end of programing so I’m glad we’ll be here. Although I’m sure the artists are disappointed, we were thrilled to welcome the rain around noon.

From the newsletter:

“A collaborative effort blending the craftsmanship of the Lakeside Wooden Boat Show and the artistic expression of the Plein Air Art Festival will create one of Lakeside’s most unique weekends of the summer from July 20-22.

This three-day event begins on Friday, July 20 when more than 30 plein air artists from across the Midwest arrive to paint outdoor landscapes until Sunday, July 22.

The term “en plein air” means painting “in the open air.” The artists will be painting scenes throughout the entire community, and all are invited to watch them paint.  

On Sunday, the Lakeside waterfront will transform into an outdoor showroom of classic wooden boats, as cruisers line the dock and the lawn of Hotel Lakeside for the 15th Annual Lakeside Wooden Boat Show from 12-4 p.m.

More than 80 wooden boats, each classified by the year it was made, will be featured.

The boats are categorized as historic (prior to 1918), antique (1919-1942), classic (1943-1975), early contemporary (1976-1984) and late contemporary (past 30 years). The sizes of the wooden boats featured range from 9’ to 57’.

The show is coordinated by the Lakeside Wooden Boat Society.

And just for fun, I’ve been cleaning the basement for two days.  It’s not a huge basement—maybe 10 x 10—but when you have one, you just save a lot of stuff that should have been thrown away.  So I have 2 sacks of useable things for the Archives (or Hotel) sale on Labor Day like coffee cups, flower vases, cat dishes, 3 iron skillets, some plumbing repair thingies to fix what we don’t know, and then lots of stuff went to the curb (we don’t actually have curbs) for Friday recycling day (some of which disappeared over night because someone needed it), but they would take the old humidifier.  Now we also need to  find a toxic waste collection site for 30 year old cans of paint. I also washed the rugs and rags, so. . . I’m feeling very self-righteous.

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