Sunday, February 09, 2020

Democrats seem to love Hitler

The Democrats love to compare Trump to Hitler--they also did that with Bush in the pre-Obama days of Bush Derangement Syndrome. It's like they never heard of Lenin, Stalin and Mao. And I never saw any reasonable comparison except crowds get excited at big rallies--and they did that for Obama all over the world--even in Germany in the same places they roared for Hitler. But Michael has put it in perspective. They always look for a scapegoat for their own bad behavior.

Michael Smith: . . ."instead of blaming minorities as Hitler did, Democrats blame whites. With Hitler, if you weren't patriotic, you hated Germany - Democrats believe if you are patriotic, you are a racist. Hitler sold the idea that Germany was perfect, the world outside its borders was flawed. Democrats believe the world outside America's borders is perfect, it's America that is flawed. . .

Contemporary Democrats are postmodern fabulists - they make crap up to fit their worldview and when exposed to the facts that prove them wrong, they simply ignore them or make up another fantasy. That's the only way things make sense to them. The other day, I posted the quote from Euripides, to wit: “Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish" and it sure seems there is a lot of that going around."

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