Friday, November 25, 2022

Checking the Internet for an old friend

 Today I was cleaning out a drawer and found a stack of papers with old addresses.  In the stack was a 1987 letter from a friend I was intensely involved with in 1986. She lived in Upper Arlington, and although our children didn't date or even run in the same circle, they knew each other and went to the same high school. She had moved to Texas, so it was a catch-up letter with a 22 cent stamp and she promised to stay in touch.  Obviously, we didn't, because I hadn't thought of her in years.  So I of course turned to the internet.  She had a double surname, hyphenated with her husband's, which made the search easier. I found her professional activities and position in several places, the last being Washington. She was listed as a marriage counselor and other specialties, although I don't think she was a professional when I knew her. I recall she was getting some sort of accreditation for addiction counseling.  I looked at her photo (sort of looked like her), and in the final site I found she was using only her maiden name.  Still, I can't imagine she's still working at age 83--I don't know how old some of these web sites are, but the last one I could find had a 2020 blog which referred to the pandemic and the mental problems it was causing.  These problems for which one might need counseling were listed under her name:

Abandonment and Rejection Issues
Abuse – Sexual, Emotional or Physicial [sic]
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Alcohol Abuse
Anger Management
Anxiety and Panic
Bipolar Disorder
Family of Origin Issues
Life Issues/Transitions
Low Self Worth
Martial and Relationship Issues
Obsessive/Compulsive Issues
Parenting Issues
Post Traumatic Stress
Spiritual Issues
Stress Management
Workplace Issues

This is not the kind of work I would want to take home every night--not at 83.  I'll keep looking.  I did find an e-mail address.

I also found a letter from 1983 from a friend who'd been through a divorce.  Too bad I couldn't have gotten them together--the counselor and the grieving ex-husband.

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