Tuesday, April 18, 2023

When and where are those golden years we've heard about?

Yesterday I received a cartoon-poem from a high school friend, Rusty Rush, about the Golden Years. Actually, I didn't know him in high school, we met on the internet in a group managed by a mutual high school friend from when both played basketball for different high schools. When I ask myself when do those golden years start, I remind myself they came and went. My golden years were my 60s to mid-70s. Or 2000-2015. I had a thoroughly good time and was healthy enough to move around easily and travel in uncomfortable buses and bumpy plane rides. Much better than being a teen-ager. And although I loved my job, retirement in those years was just fun.  Every day I decided how to use my time. If time is money, I was a billionaire. This is a public service announcement in case you've been asking.

Art classes at the Senior Center 2001

New home (now 23 years) in condo association with great neighbors
 and someone else to take care of the lawn and snow.

Joined a book club in fall 2000. I've now read
some mystery books.

Joined Conestoga and visited historical sites in Ohio;
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Marion, Dayton, Canton, Blannerhasset, 
Mansfield  and many in Columbus. Airplanes, automobiles, 
graveyards, churches, museums, gardens, buildings, presidents' homes.
Travel to Alaska, Germany, Austria, Finland, Russia, Estonia, 
Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Israel,
Egypt, Spain

Architectural tours with local Frank Lloyd Wright group to
  New York, Oklahoma, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas

Train trip to California 2003 for Bob Sr. 90th birthday,
Glen Canyon, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Glacier Park,  
and in 2006
for Debbie's wedding and FLW tours and 
in 2011 for
Visits with Debbie and John and Rick and Kate,
 Dana Point, Laguna Beach, Malibu, Orange Co., Palm Springs,
Reagan Museum
Enjoying full season from 2001-2022 at our summer
home of 34 years in Lakeside, Ohio

Painting of our cottage on Third Street by Barby Bright

Family get-togethers at the Lake

Phil's home--Mother's Day

Holidays with family--Phoebe's home

Visits with Illinois family

Visits with Indiana family (Jean's 80th party)

Participated in many art shows

And 20 years of writing this blog, 20,017 posts,
with 3,567,726 views
(must be an old pie chart since most
are now political)

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