Saturday, February 03, 2024

Autoimmune diseases afflict primarily women

Women account for around 80% of all cases of autoimmune disease, a category that includes conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. What explains this sex bias has long been a mystery, however. . . . A prime suspect is the X chromosome: in most mammals, including humans, a male’s cells typically include only one copy, whereas a female’s cells typically carry two.

As if 99.9999% of the third world didn't know that men and women are different, here's one more proof for more advanced cultures--autoimmune diseases. Yet the authors of this article needed to include this disclaimer just in case someone sues Nature magazine: " (This article uses ‘women’ and ‘female’ to describe people with two X chromosomes and no Y chromosome, reflecting the language of the study, while acknowledging that gender identity and chromosomal make-up do not always align.) "

 Of course, gender is a grammar term and not science or biology.

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