Friday, February 02, 2024

Message from General Mike Flynn about U.S. Wars

Message on X (Twitter) from Mike Flynn

The United States of America invaded Iraq back in 2003 based on now U.S. Government debunked claims of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The very famous speech that General Colin Powell gave in the United Nations with the full weight of the CIA behind him where he said Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, was all a lie. 

We then proceeded to lose so many young lives, killed and wounded. We also lost trillions of dollars from our treasury (meaning from American taxpayers). We lost a ton of prestige as well on the world stage. All for a loser endless war that now looks to be turning the tide toward war once again, but this time the tide is against the United States. 

Also, Iran is most certainly developing a nuclear weapons programs. We know this because our government under Obama and Biden have told us. These administrations are funding them to the tune of billions of dollars. This is no secret—it’s all public knowledge and those on the left appear to consider it their duty to support Iran (I really don’t know where this attitude comes from). Do these people hate America (and Israel) so much, they want to see a war or the destruction of entire societies? That’s what nuclear weapons can do.

 I can speculate and analyze all day long about this and point fingers at Obama and Kerry, the Clintons, pressure from the globalists at the WEF, or maybe it’s the CCP directing our U.S. foreign policy (I’m not kidding—at times, it feels that way).

All the money we’re pouring into Iran flows into Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran surrogates inside the Iraq Government, and many other Iranian aligned groups and individuals in the greater Middle East.

Tactically but with strategic consequence are the number of attacks on U.S. forces. That number is now north of 150 resulting in several casualties. During the previous Iraq War, there were more than 600 U.S. casualties directly caused by Iran. 

Iran has unleashed proxy wars in Israel, Syria, Yemen, Gaza, Lebanon, Red Sea, and are likely behind protests here in America as well as influencing, through their relationships with Venezuela, the invasion of our southern border. 

The big “so what” is that Iran is our enemy, not our friend. 

And what is the Biden administration’s response: Continue to send billions in aid and trade to Iran (our enemy). 

In my judgement, you cannot make peace with fanatics. For example, there were over 300K soldiers and civilians killed during the final Battle for Berlin against the Nazi's in 1945. The Nazis knew they had zero chance for victory. But that’s how fanatics operate. We have to stop dealing with fanatics.

Lastly, if we don’t focus right here at home, AMERICA FIRST, we could lose everything. So much is at stake and we’re not even allowed to close the front door to our home. I believe in God. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that we have lost sight of the importance of God in America. To reclaim our republic as a Judeo-Christian nation built on a set of moral principles and values, we need to be fearless and we better get our act together very quickly. 

God Bless America.

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