Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Ashley Mason and sleep routines

After I experienced sleep/back problems yesterday I opened the podcast by Peter Attia and it was advice about sleep hygiene. "In this episode, Ashley Mason provides a masterclass on cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), detailing techniques like time in bed restriction, stimulus control, and cognitive restructuring to improve sleep. She explains how to manage racing thoughts and anxiety, optimize sleep environments, and use practical tools like sleep diaries to track progress. She also offers detailed guidance on sleep hygiene, explores the impact of temperature regulation, blue light exposure, and bedtime routines." We learned a lot and refreshed our memories on things we knew but weren't doing, 

The Peter Attia Drive: #341 - Overcoming insomnia: improving sleep hygiene and treating disordered sleep with cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia | Ashley Mason, Ph.D.

One thing she mentioned was don't listen to podcasts in bed--oops! (or watch TV or read a book or read e-mail) Last night we stayed up until 11 and finished watching Chip and Joanna redecorate a hotel before going to bed.

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