Sunday, September 04, 2005

1456 Mr. Blitzer, How does this help?

Here's why I seldom watch CNN. Everytime I've switched for another viewpoint from Fox or one of the nationals, I hear whining and complaining and blaming. I am right now watching Blitzer's "State of Emergency" special. His question right now is "How angry are you?" of the Republican (Jindal) and Democrat (Jefferson) Congressmen. His exact words. "How angry are you?" I've heard newspeople ask dumb questions in times of tragedy (how does this make you feel, etc.), but this one scrapes the bottom. Jindal tells him there is plenty of blame to go around and "we should have been better prepared." The Democrat downplayed the violence [a few shots, he said] that kept the rescuers away, but Jindal talked about the terrible toll lack of security took on the rescue efforts.

If it were you and your buddies from Arkansas in a bass boat going in to rescue people in New Orleans out of the goodness of your heart, how many shots from homegrown criminals would it take to stop you?

Blitzer's next question is "How has FEMA failed?". Jindal jumped right in, and said it shouldn't be under Homeland Security, but expressed his frustration at the lack of communication between the Governor's office and the Federal agencies, each thinking the other was supposed to act. If the Democrat commented, I missed it.

While Fox is showing heroic acts of kindness and rescue, Robert Reich is now on CNN's Blitzer-Bash saying, "this is how low we as a people have sunk; and poor people have been hurt most and people are worse off than ever according to last months reports (before the hurricane, blah, blah)." [What an opportunist] Apparently, he knows nothing about the people who refused to leave, or the local people who were in charge of their safety or the plans to put people in the convention center and super dome with one day of food and water. I'm switching back to some balance. I have extremely low blood pressure but I think it's rising.

Lt. Gen. Russel Honore (man in charge, now) is now speaking on both cable channels about how they planned ahead for this [Everything first has to be moved out of the way so it isn't destroyed]. He's making sense, but I doubt that Blitzer will hear it. He's probably gone to the restroom or bar for a drink. Thirty states sent National Guardsmen. Mr. Blitzer, those people work in our communities. It takes a bit of time to get their gear, on to planes and find a place they can land.

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