Saturday, November 26, 2005

1829 Fathers are optional, just another choice?

Read this silly star-hype article. I don't know if she actually said this, but this is how it was written:

"Jessica Alba used to believe she would never find someone to share her beliefs when it comes to raising children, so she was convinced she'd end up a [sic] being a single mom."

I have no idea who Jessica Alba is--I accidentally ran into her on the internet. But I sincerely hope she's smarter than this reporter.

So, she's got firm beliefs on child raising, but they don't include a father? There are unfortunate events that might leave a child fatherless and a woman alone to raise a family, but choosing it? How silly. And disrespectful of men.

1 comment:

Feed Fido said...

Single mom by choice? She can have the weekend from hell I just went through...she might rethink. I just cleaned poop off the floor, unclogged the kitchen sink (had to call husband to find out how) and feel driven to drink. I want him released from the hospital for his own good and mine!