Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Trip Tale: Driving through Suomenniemi

This is the municipality in which our hosts built their log summer home. At one time it was under the control of Russia, but the Finns secured it in 1917 when they obtained independence. The area was contested again in the 1940s, and Finland lost a lot of territory to the Soviets. Our hosts parents lived in the area which is now part of Russia.

On Friday morning we visited a living farm which had been in the same family for generations and was the subject of a film which we previewed at the museum. We also stopped at a library which had been moved from Russia in 1936.

Kirjasto library was closed that day.

Lutheran church in Suomenniemi. This has been a Lutheran parish since 1689.

War memorial at the Lutheran church--the reason the Finns (children of the veterans) don't like the Russians.

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