Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Technorati's search by authority

In checking what questions brought people to my site today, I noticed a technorati search on "politics," and was surprised to see that when those thousands and thousands of blogs were sorted by the "authority" limiter, I was number 2. It seems to select by the number of blogs that link here, which for that service was 815. The first on the list had 816. I don't know how this if figured because TTLB says I have about 560 links coming in. I'd never used the authority filter for those large searches. Looks like something I need to look into.

These searches recorded by my site meter are funny. Today someone's question was "my step son wants to be a nudist," so it found the blog I wrote about 2 years ago which mentioned my great grandmother cared for her daughter's retarded stepson and that my dad had recently arranged for his funeral. Blogs that pass in the night.

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