Sunday, February 11, 2007

Annika said it better than I could

You wouldn't know it to look at me, but I'm part of the Bear Flag League on the Internet, meaning I have at some time in my life lived in California (actually twice). So on that list, I'm called an Ex-pat. So I drop by and read my fellow-listers' blogs. Here's what Annika said about the surge, and I thought if I had said anything, it would be what she said:

"There's a reason why I haven't written whether I think the Surge Strategy will work or whether it's a good idea. I'm not an expert in any of the disciplines necessary for my opinion to have any value. In fact, most of my knowledge regarding the Iraq War comes from secondary sources, written by other people who are similarly ignorant, i.e. the press.

The vast majority of reporters and columnists who write about Iraq and pretend to know what they're talking about are completely incompetent to do so. Not only is their journalism degree inadequate for the task (it's a glorified general ed degree) but their undisguised bias robs their output of any credibility. Yet, from my desk chair, I'm forced to rely on these people almost exclusively for my information. So, as a result, my opinions are just about as worthless." Annika's Journal

But I have been listening to reports on the radio about the CIA and the Pentagon trading accusations about who gave the administration the incorrect information about al-Qaeda and Saddam playing footsy. And you know what? I don't care. The President AND the Congress (including Hillary et al) voted for it. Now it's an obligation. It's not like getting married when you're young and drunk and think she's gorgeous, and then later falling in love with someone else named Darfur because the sweety got fat, or some such nonsense. You need to meet your obligations and not leave people to die--the way you did 35 years ago in Vietnam. You need to stop giving the enemy hope to hang on just a bit longer, the way Obama and HRC are doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, two former Army chiefs of staff (Shinseki and Schoomaker), Gen. William Odom (fmr. head of the NSA, ret.), the Army's counter-insurgency manual, Gen. John Abizaid (former CentCom head) and Gen. Sam Gardiner (frm. War College professor and war gaming expert) all concur that the surge will not make things better and will make things worse.

I think we can agree that these men have more than a glorified gen. ed. degree.

The enemy can hold on for longer than we can. It's horrible. It sucks. Lots more people will die. The have all the hope they need.

What we are trying to prevent is already happening.