Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Beyond hot here in Columbus

Yesterday it was 95 degrees in Columbus, OH. I was on duty for the mail run between our church's Lytham Rd. campus and Mill Run campus in the afternoon. There was road construction everywhere, even turning around after discovering I was blocked was difficult. At the intersection on our road I think I waited 4 lights to turn left.

I was surprised to see a number of people driving with an open window. They were all smokers. Inhaling hot smoke in a hot car, waiting at an even hotter, semi-stalled intersection, to creep along onto fresh hot asphalt, and drive behind trucks spewing more heat and pollution. Now how smart is that?

Smoking. It doesn't just damage your lungs and heart--it must destroy your brain cells too.


sallywrites said...

95! Wow!

JAM said...

Sounds like Florida. No matter how hot it gets, I'm always next to or behind someone with windows down and a cigarette going. The wind always blows it to where I have to smell it. I hate that.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I saw quite a few people doing the same thing here at 92 degrees. I used to be one of those people. Thank goodness I quit. It sure looks stupid!