Thursday, November 11, 2010

Labeled an extremist for common sense

Minnesota State Representative-elect Glenn Gruenhagen offered this at a statewide school board association meeting and the blog writer Hal thinks he's an extremist. The school board reps didn't like it (doesn't surprise me), but apparently voters saw something in him they liked.

Stop labeling and drugging students - 2 for; 103 against.
Emphasize rote learning - 2 for; 130 against.
Implement phonics reading - 8 for; 94 against.
Teach principles of patriotism - 13 for; 88 against.
Implement abstinence - 7 for; 95 against.
Separate classes by gender - 16 for; 86 against.
Teach fallacies of macro evolution - 7 for; 100 against.
All children are gifted - 12 for; 89 against.

Hal's Blog

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