Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The cost of medical care?

How many times have I heard in my adult years that our health care is the most expensive in the world, but with only mediocre results?  However, have you ever seen the research?  Does that include over the counter?  Supplements? Exercise club memberships? Insurance policies that cover tattoo removal? Does that include everyone in the census (people) or citizens? Does it include the profit insurance companies make or the dividends investors (retirees like me) get in their 401-Ks?  Pelosi thinks welfare payments and unemployment benefits actually provide a return to the economy.  Don’t health care costs?

What is known for sure, is that today the Health and Human Services mandate of Obamacare goes into effect.  This we know is a violation of the First Amendment freedom of religion clause. This, if it takes place, will enormously raise your health costs because it will put the Roman Catholic church out of the health care and social services business—or so they (the U.S. Bishops) have promised.  Obama thinks the Catholics should be like the Amish, who have religious freedom because they take are only of their own.   The Catholic church is the largest provider of social services in the United States.  Even Catholics who are poo-pooing this because they use contraceptives and see no big deal, don’t seem to realize that this camel’s nose is way inside the tent, and soon Catholics will be scooping out the dung that will include insurance coverage for abortions, gay couples, and other things coming down the “choice” pike like incest, polygamy and man boy love.

What is also known is that to the three biggest government health systems we have, the VA, Medicare and Medicaid, are riddled with waste, cost overruns and fraud, and there is no reason to think Obamacare will be different. A recent issue of JAMA includes a story about dual billing of VA for Medicare Advantage—to the tune of about $13 billion.  Now if the feds can’t track its own veterans which is a much smaller population than the entire country, why do they think they can follow the rest of us. Obama is simply shifting costs to the states, which are mandated to balance their budgets, which he isn’t. 

This man is so bad, so evil, and so statist, that our only hope is to vote him out before he completely destroys our country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After you save lives with clean water, then it's up to clean living--tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex, overeating under contro. Self-control. Not much that throwing money at that can do.