Monday, April 08, 2013

How low can he go?

I really thought my opinion of our president couldn’t sink any lower, but his use and abuse of the families of the Sandy Hook tragedy just blows my mind.  He will do anything to achieve his political ends.  His agenda is to 1) short term, take back the House, and 2) long term, destroy the Bill of Rights, and he will use these children’s deaths to do it.  Hundreds of Black children die in Chicago his home city of beatings, strangulation and guns, and he does nothing, because that doesn’t get him the House in 2014. The man is beyond contempt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
It blows my mind that so many people can't see through the staging, lies and distortions Obama employs to further HIS agenda. In the case of Sandy, he's dragging his props back to D.C. to service his lastest desire in front of our legislators. We have nobody of influence to "call" him on any of his disgusting behavior.