Monday, December 16, 2013

Megyn Kelly and her critics—Santa Claus

I'm not sure what the dust up is about Megyn Kelly reporting that Santa Claus (St. Nicholas) was white. That one I know since today's 19th century caricature is based on a real Scandinavian. The cartoon version can be any ethnicity the parent wants. As for Jesus, who knows? And he's the reason for the season. Yesterday I read a very compelling story about a Syrian man who had fled to Turkey with his family and instead of his successful construction business, he was working in a sweat shop, and happy to get it. He had green eyes and very light skin. As do many Kurds and Berbers.

It's a puffed up argument in my opinion meant to detract and make us all look silly. Kelly's very successful and beautiful, and that makes all the other network talkers mad. No one knew who Aisha Harris was, but they do now after the race baiting, knee jerking men got done ridiculing Kelly. Really, it's embarrassing to even show this, and the level that networks go to (down):

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