Wednesday, November 02, 2005

1712 Where did the WMD Intel come from?

The Anchoress knows.

“In 1998, the US was certain that Saddam Hussein was acquiring and developing WMD, and that he posed a credible threat. The president said it. His party said it. The opposition party agreed. The press said it. England said it. Israel said it. France said it. China and Russia said it. EVERYONE said it. EVERYONE accepted it. These were the intelligence reports, and everyone found them believable.

No one acted on them, but no one declared they were false, either. While some cynics suggested that the American President’s focus on the WMD was some “dog wagging” to distract attention from an uncomfortable scandal, no one seriously entertained a notion that Saddam Hussein did NOT have WMD. Everyone believed it to be true. Or at least said they believed it. Read her entire rundown of the run up to the war and what the Democrats said before Bush became President and acted on their recommendations and beliefs.”

So why are they so huffy and trying to make the Libby case into something? Why are they acting like they've speeded up the Phase 2 report? It was due already.

1 comment:

Norma said...

Josh, although you make some good points, the fact is, both Democrats and Republicans thought the threat of WMD was reason enough to go to war. To go back now and say, no it wasn't, doesn't help much. The decision was made, we've made commitments to the Iraqi people, and need to follow through.