1717 Escaping prison in a garbage truck
When an Ohio Penitentiary resident escaped back in the 70s, we got a phone call from the warden. We were on his visitation list--in fact, he was a few weeks from being paroled and had planned to live with us. But cupid struck, and he escaped with the lady from the casket company in the O.P.'s garbage truck.So as I was watching the news accounts of Jimmy Causey and Johnny Brewer escaping a South Carolina prison today in the garbage truck, I thought about our experience. Our guy was on the lam a bit longer than those two, who apparently were caught when they got hungry and ordered a pizza. The delivery person recognized them and called the police. Our guy (and his lady friend) drove to central Indiana and he got a job in a bar. He was such a good employee and so trusted by the owner, that he made the night bank deposits (he was doing time for breaking and entering, in the night season, with a gun). I think he wasn't caught for nearly a year, and only because he came back to Ohio to visit his mother, and someone recognized him.

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