Wednesday, February 21, 2007

3513 On-line genealogy and tourism

Is on-line research about our ancestors hurting the tourist business in Ireland?

"In the last decade, with the increase in the digitization of genealogical documents and the prevalence of the Internet across the globe, online genealogical research has become a popular pastime among the citizens of the western countries. While this increase in popularity has been an economic boost for online companies that specialize in genealogy, it has had the unintended consequence on Ireland of decreasing the incoming revenue of the genealogy tourism industry." Read article here.

What about Scotland and Germany?


Anonymous said...

Or I could add... Sweden? *S*

OK, maybe Sweden didn't have that much tourism because of genealogy reasons, but it has been some at least.

Well, the digitization has both good and bad sides and I don't know how that could be changed in this case. Or if it even should.

Norma said...

Many Americans trace their roots to Scandanavia, but probably not as many as to Ireland.